
Technical Data Sheet.◆These products are for industrial use only.● The data presented in this catalogue are representative values. Always perform on-site testing prior to implementation to make sure the product suits your needs. Please be advised that the usages described here may infringe existing patents. Due to our continuous quality improvements and specifi cation upgrades, the information in this catalogue are subject to change without notice.●Please contact us before reproducing or quoting this catalogue.Sales headquartersUchikanda TK Building, 1-5-13 Uchikanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Nissin Chemical Industry Shanghai Co.,Ltd. 〈100% owned subsidiary〉 Grand Cru Room 50, 5F GIFCⅡ, 1438 Hongqiao Road, Shanghai 201103 P.R.China TEL.+86-21-6197-6251    FAX.+86-21-6197-6210Main offi ce and factory2-17-33 Kitago, Echizen, Fukui Prefecture Website FAX. +81-3-3295-3929TEL.+81-778-22-5100(main) FAX. +81-778-24-0657You can viewour product introduction video on the following website.ⓒNissin.2019.10.31 H.O.Printed in Japan.Nissin Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd.!  WARNING◆ Please follow the instructions on the Safety Data Sheet and For more information on functional materials for inkjet ink, please inquire.

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