
602406赤Red青Blue顔料Pigment酢酸エチルEthyl acetateイソプロピルアルコールIsopropyl alcoholSOLBIN TA5RウレタンUrethane resinカラーColor撮影条件カメラ、塗膜、背景(白黒の紙)を間隔をあけて配置、撮影。白黒の境の見え方などで発色性を確認。The camera, coating film, and background (black-and-white paper) were placed at intervals and photographs were taken.Color development was confirmed by the appearance of the boundary between white and black.Photography conditions配合内訳IngredientsFormulation AFormulation A処方 A105925処方 A配合比(wt%)Mixing ratio (wt%)Formulation BFormulation B処方 B105925処方 B塗膜作成条件Coating film creation conditions塗工 : No.3バーコーター基材 : PET乾燥 : 風乾Coating process : No. 3 bar coaterBase material : PET Drying : Air-dryingFormulation CFormulation C処方 C105925処方 Cソルバインを添加することで、塗布ムラを減らし、発色性の良い均一な塗膜が期待できます。Addition of SOLBIN reduces unevenness in application and is expected to produce a uniform coating filmwith good color developability.インキ配合例Example of ink formulationソルバインTA5Rは、環境に配慮した弱溶剤系の溶媒への溶解性もあり、良好な発色性を示します。SOLBIN TA5R is soluble in eco-friendly weak solvents and exhibits good color developability.カメラCamera塗膜Coating背景Background13インキ発色性Ink color developabilityProperties of SOLBIN塗膜の発色性Ink color developability of coating film発色性に優れる塗膜は、彩度や透明性が高いため、塗膜越しの背景を濁すことなく、鮮明な色を与えます。The coating film, which has excellent coloring properties, is vivid and transparent without making the background cloudy.製品の物性SOLBINソルバイン

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